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The Truth will set you Free. July 31st 1993. Magnolia Crescent Park, 3:41 p.m. Harry stepped off the bus in the station of Little Whinging, Surrey and proceeded to walk towards the local park there. Since there was still three to four more hours still left of daylight and he was in no hurry to return to the Dursley's.

Disclaimer: Line passages have been taken throughout the 'Harry Potter Book Series' that was created by J.K Rowling and some from the 'Star Wars Series' which was created by George Lucas. I do not own any rights to characters nor do I receive any money from this story. This story is for entertainment purpose only.

Chapter 3

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The Truth will set you Free

July 31st, 1993

Magnolia Crescent Park, 3:41 p.m.

Harry stepped off the bus in the station of Little Whinging, Surrey and proceeded to walk towards the local park there. Since there was still three to four more hours still left of daylight and he was in no hurry to return to the Dursley's. Harry wondered if his mother was never a true sister to Petunia Dursley how was the protections fairing… and then he remembered the Blood ward was only tied to him. He was there for one thing and that was to power the ward and not the house itself.

After arriving at the park, Harry found a nice tree to sit under and pulled out his mother's Journal from his new backpack and began to read it.


Harry was surprised that his mother's first magical friend was none other than Severus Snape and he has been his mother's friend since she was around nine years old. Harry also found out that Petunia Evans did not care for him too much and never trusted Snape either. Petunia hatred for Lily only grew after Lily received her Hogwarts Letter and found out she couldn't go with her because Petunia wasn't magical.

Lily described her first trip on the Hogwarts Express, how she sat with her best friend Severus all the way there and they were interrupted by a pair of rude boys by the name of James Potter and Sirius Black. Both were very friendly with each other but made comments about Severus's clothes and hair. And from there it all went downhill.

Lily then went on to describe her sorting, how the hat had wanted to place her into Ravenclaw but felt Gryffindor would be a better fit. She was also a bit upset when her friend was sorted into Slytherin.

After only a few months Severus had started to become distant and after confronting her friend she was told that he was getting pressure from his house to end their friendship. But she rebutted the arguments by standing firm; others would not dictate who she would be friends with. James and Sirius continued to get into trouble for pulling pranks on the Slytherin house, often catching Severus in with the lot.

The Journal was a fascinating read and Harry rushed through the first book nearly and was nearly done with it by the time the sun was just beginning to start setting.

Harry was happy to know that, like Hermione, Lily Evans was named the smartest witch of her age, coming in first for nearly all her classes. She was only topped by James Potter in Transfiguration and Remus in Defense. Other than that, James and Sirius would come in second or third for many classes. Severus would normally flip between first and second place in Potions with her. However, Remus Lupin, a quiet boy in their year, who was always sick every month, did very well as well. It was almost a battle in every class for the top marks.

It wasn't till Lily's third year that she started to discover that James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, who was a chubby boy that never worked hard at anything, we're really targeting those kids that picked on the Muggle-born wizards and witches like herself. She also found out that James would get rather nasty to those who targeted her specifically. But until James stop being so arrogant all the time, she would not give him a second look and that didn't start to change till the end of her fourth year at Hogwarts.

Then in her fifth year, it had happened, the betrayal of her best friend, Severus Snape. He had called her the vilest of names a 'Mud-Blood' and she was forced to reevaluate her friendship with him. He was only nice to her when the two were alone. And those alone times had started to get… uncomfortable to be at. She had to stop Severus from his advances several occasions during a few study periods. But that name canceled their friendship right then and there.

During her sixth year it happened, James Charles Potter went home after their fifth year and had come back different… she would find out later that his grandfather and grandmother were killed by Death Eaters attack in Diagon Alley and his father was nearly killed as well. The James Potter that returned stopped pulling so many pranks and hadn't nearly any arrogance at all anymore. He took the time to help the younger kids with their studies and put more effort with house unity. It didn't hurt that he also grew a few inches either. Lily was hooked and by the end of the year, they were solidly courting each other.

During her seventh year, Lily and James were both made Head Boy and Girl. And at the end of the year, James Charles Potter proposed to her in the Gryffindor common room and with everyone there.

Between the two they set records for most OWL's and NEWT's achieved for the school year. She was contacted by Filius Flitwick about attaining her Masteries in Charms as James was contacted by Minerva McGonagall for his Transfiguration Masteries.

Harry looked up at this point and realized it was getting very late as the sun had dropped below the horizon although sunlight did still reflect off the few clouds in the sky. He also knew he needed to get home, or he would be locked out of the house, again.


On his way back to his house he noticed a rather large and underfed dog trying to not so secretly follow him home. It seemed a bit timid at first, but Harry was able to have it come to him to be petted. Harry noticed it didn't have a collar and was rather dirty.

'What have you been into, Old Boy,' he had asked the dog. Only to get a soft wine as Harry started to scratch behind one of its ears then the other.

'You look pretty hungry, would you like something to eat. I don't always get food myself, but I could see if I could get you some, aye boy,' Harry added continuing to scratch the other ear.


Another wine.

Harry dropped down to one knee and look the dog in the eyes, 'You'll stick around here and stay safe and I'll go and see about grabbing some food for ya, ok?' The dog answered with a lick to the wide-open face of Harry Potter.

Harry couldn't help it as he fell backward on the sidewalk and laughed all the while the dog continued to lick all over Harry's face by the oversized dog that seemed to be very playful. After a few more minutes Harry managed to get back to his feet and walked the playful dog back to number four Privet Drive. He would get the dog some food tonight and then get him a bath tomorrow.

Yeah… that was the plan until Harry found out that his Aunt Marge had arrived during the day while he was in London visiting Gringotts bank. He looked down at the stray dog and back at number four and sighed.

'Ah, look… um…,' thinking up a name for the dog it came to him a name that fit somehow '… Snuffles?'

The dog just looked at him strangely as Harry turned back to look at number four again.

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'My aunt Marge must have arrived today while I was at Gringotts today,' he could tell the dog that, I mean it not like the dog could tell anyone, right. 'And she, not the nicest person, well none of them are real but, I might not be able to get food out to you tonight but… I will try and bring you some bacon and other goodies tomorrow morning, ok? Then, I think we should get you washed up because if you are dirty, people may call the pound and I can't have a dirty pet, sounds good?'

The dog just gave another lick to the face and then scooted off into the alleyway.

Harry sighed and walked up the driveway of number four and knocked on the front door and for good measure took two steps away from the doorway.

After about a minute the door was opened by his Aunt Petunia and she looked upset.

'Get in here, Boy!' she ordered.

With an eyebrow raised, Harry settles back into that calm feeling Luke had talked about. As he entered the house and Petunia closed the door Harry felt something calling on him to move… to 'roll forward', and so he did just that, then he a felt a rush of wind as a fatty fist sailed just over his head.

Harry came up and spun around see his initial attacker, his uncle Vernon, only to feel a pull to 'step left' against the wall only to see Dudley rush pass him and ran directly into his mother, next a quick barking came racing around the corner, Ripper had come to bite one of the boy-who-lived legs again. Harry spun and with a quick and vicious kick sent Ripper through the open kitchen door, over the table, and through the kitchen window, 'that dog won't bark anymore' Harry thought to himself with a huge smile inside of him.

Harry then fell further into what Luke and Lily had called the Force, increasing both his speed and strength. Just in time as Aunt Marge was coming from the kitchen with a rolling pin in one hand. Harry also felt Uncle Vernon coming up behind him. Harry moved forward towards Marge closing the distance quickly and then stepped to the left, grabbing the rolling pin on the downward swing towards his head and redirected it towards and against Uncle Vernon's outstretched right hand. Harry heard the loud crack of several bones being broken, 'oh there goes his happy life' Harry thought to himself.

Continuing with Marge's downward swing as Harry moved his shoulder under her arm. Harry heard a slight pop of a dislocated elbow as Marge's arm was folded backward nearly forty-five degrees in the opposite direction.

Harry then kicked out back with his left leg folding Marge's left knee cap and causing Marge to drop to the ground in pain. Then Harry brought his left foot forward quickly and kicked the still upright and crying Uncle Vernon in the mommy-daddy button putting him to the floor while causing his uncle Vernon to empty his supper all over the hallway floor and released Marge to fall to the floor behind him.

Harry walked down the hall, passed a petrified Aunt Petunia and up the stairs. He gathered all his stuff in his bedroom and shoved everything in his backpack or prepares things to be placed within his trunk downstairs. Harry internally thanked Hedwig for not being here as she was currently out hunting for the moment. Harry emptied the cage on the floor of his cousin's second bedroom and slung his new backpack on his back. Harry grabbed the cage and walked down the stairs to the Hallway. Harry noticed the two largest attackers were still on the floor moaning. His cousin was back up and was hesitant to attack, looking between him and his aunt and his father. Dudley wasn't the smartest kid by a long shot but knew when he was outmatched.

Harry ripped the cupboard door open and pulled out his trunk and then pack Hedwig's cage into the trunk. As Harry started to pull the trunk towards the front door Dudley felt he could attack now… how so very wrong he was. Harry dropped his trunk, kicked forward, much like his uncle Vernon, Dudley dropped to both knees holding on to his 'precious', leaving his face wide open for an elbow slam he once saw Dudley watch on the TV once, breaking his nose and causing blood to pour out of it.

Harry backed up and grabbed his trunk just as Dudley's eyes rolled backward and blackness overtook his cousin's mind. Harry stopped near Petunia and looked at her.

'Do you know what I found out today Mrs. Dursley?' Harry asked.

She didn't say anything, so Harry continued.

'I found out that my mother was never your true sister. She was adopted, and that is why you could never perform magic Mrs. Dursley and because of that the Blood Ward that Professor Dumbledore said he set-up when I first came here was a fake. Due to this, I will be leaving this house and I will not be coming back. I sure hope you haven't taken too much of my money from my vault for keeping me here,' Harry commented just before walking out the front door.


The minute Harry stepped off the property there was a flash of light and Harry didn't feel so tired anymore. Just as he approached the alley, he saw the black dog was running up to him.

'Sorry fellow, I didn't get a chance to retrieve you any food,' and the dog whined a bit. 'But I'm sure we can find something at the local food restaurant.' Instantly the dog started to bounce around him before coming up on his side and began to walk with him. It was strange but the dog reminded him of his mother's letter and how she talked about 'the Black mutt', also Harry started to feel something wrong with the dog, it didn't feel right to him in the Force. Maybe he could trick it into revealing itself? If he was wrong nothing would happen, and he would still have someone to have fun with.

After a few minutes, Harry decided to put his plan into gear. 'You know it would be nice if there was a place we could go and stay till the first of September. Ah… Padfoot?' Harry asked.

'You do know… you can transform if you want to talk, Padfoot' Harry said again stating the nickname.

The dog stopped for a moment before the dog transformed. Where a dog once stood was now a mass of filthy, matted hair that hung to his elbows. If eyes hadn't been shining out of the deep, dark sockets, he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared in a grin. Before he stood was his godfather, Sirius Black.

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'How did you know,' Sirius asked worriedly.

'My mother, she was able to send me a letter last night. She implicated in the letter that Sirius Black was my Godfather and was, and I quote, was 'a Black Mutt', and today a black dog that I have never seen around here before had come up to me' Harry was as sure as hell he wasn't going to say that he could feel the difference between a human and a dog at any rate in the Force.

July 31st, 1993, 7:34 p.m.

Alleyway near Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Walk, Little Whinging

Sirius was in shock. 'Ok Padfoot, Prongslet knows you're really Sirius Black But, does he know that I just escaped from Azkaban Prison last week?' And with that Sirius looked a tad bit afraid. 'What do you know about me, Harry?' asked Sirius.

'I know you were one of my dad's best friends. That you went to school with my mother as well. You all had nicknames like Padfoot and Mooney. Also, that you are my Godfather and you should have been the one to raise me,' Harry answered… 'What happened?'

'I persuaded Lily and James to change the secret keepers to Peter Pettigrew at the last moment. I persuaded them to use him as their Secret-Keeper instead of me… I'm to blame, I know it… The night they died, I had arranged to check on Peter, make sure he was still safe, but when I arrived at his hiding place, he was gone. Yet there was no sign of a struggle. It didn't feel right. I got scared and I set out for your parents' house straight away. And when I saw their house, destroyed, and their bodies… I realized what Peter must've done… what I'd done…,' his voice broke and turned away.

After a moment Sirius regain control of his emotions and continued. 'I sought to exact revenge on Pettigrew, Harry, and I caught up with Wormtail the next day outside his apartment that he was staying at,' Sirius continued with a little more heat in his voice. 'But the little rat caught me off guard, I was just going to walk up to him a disapparate away with him, but he got the drop on me, he turns and disarmed me. I was shocked at that.'

'Then Peter started screaming at how 'I betrayed your mother and father' how 'I was the secret keeper for the Potters.' He must have known Aurors where on their way, cause he cast a cheering charm on me, then a blasting hex at the road, it must have hit a gas line or something, because it knocked me off my feet and killed or injured everyone within twenty feet of himself, so many muggles. Then Peter must have changed into his rat form and fled.'

'After that, I woke up in my cell in Azkaban. I waited for my trial, but it never happened. Your father and I were both Junior Aurors at the time and I knew I should have received a trial, but it never happened.'

Harry was shocked to thing his godfather was in prison without a trial. 'How did you survive?' Harry asked.

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'I don't know how I did it, Harry,' he said slowly. 'I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that place was that I knew I was innocent. That wasn't a happy thought so the Dementors couldn't suck it out of me… but it kept me sane and knowing who I am… and it helped me to keep my powers… so when it all became too much… I transformed in my cell… and become the dog. Dementors can't see, you know…,' he swallowed. 'The dementors, they feel their way toward people, and they feed from emotions… they could tell that my feelings were less… well, less human, less complex when I was a dog… but they thought, of course, that I was losing my mind like everyone else in there, so it didn't trouble them. But I was weak, very weak, and I had no hope of driving them away from me without a wand…'

Another thought entered Harry's head and Harry voiced his question. 'How did you escape?' Harry probed.

'Minister Fudge,' said Black almost snarled out. At Harry's questioning face Sirius continued. 'When he came to inspect Azkaban, he gave me his paper. And there was Peter, on the front page… on this boy's shoulder… I knew him at once… how many times had I seen him transform? And the caption said the boy would be going back to Hogwarts… to where you were…'

'It was as if someone had lit a fire in my head, and the dementors couldn't destroy it. It wasn't a happy feeling… it was an obsession… but it gave me strength, it cleared my mind. So, one night when they opened my door to bring me my food, I slipped past them as a dog. It's so much harder for them to sense animal emotions that they were confused. I was thin; very thin… thin enough to slip through the bars. I swam as a dog back to the mainland. I was going to journeyed north and then slipped into the Hogwarts grounds as a dog. But I wanted to stop here on my way north to see Lily's sister, maybe ask her about you. And… there you were… reading under a tree. So much like Lily had used to, for so many days at Hogwarts,' Sirius answered with a sad smile on his face.

Harry nodded, taking it all in… that Halloween night he lost his parents… they were betrayed by Peter… and then his Godfather was falsely imprisoned and then he made a daring escape to come to his side and protect… Him? Harry felt that he was really going to be cared for now, for the first time in his life that he could remember.

After a few minutes, Sirius said 'I don't know if anyone ever told you… that I'm your godfather.'

Harry smiled nodded; Sirius must have forgotten things before his tale started, 'It was in the letter mom sent me, remember?'

'Well… your parents appointed me your guardian,' said Black stiffly. 'You know if anything had happened to them.'

Harry waited. Did Black mean what he thought he meant? 'Was this what he was waiting for since this morning?'

Sirius, not understanding Harry internal understanding, continued 'But… well… think about it, once I get my name cleared… if you wanted to… you know, live in a different home.'

Some sort of explosion took place in the pit of Harry's stomach. 'He was right, a place to train, and a new home?'

Black turned right around to look at his godson. Harry smiled and nodded in his approval, not able to get the right words out right now.

Black's gaunt looking face broke into his first true smile in a while Harry had seen on his face. The difference it made was startling, as though a person ten years younger were shining through the starved mask.

Just then the silence was broken with a gurgle from both their stomachs.

'We should get something to eat,' Harry said in response to the noise and Sirius had agreed.

'Do you want to get something to eat here or would you like to get something near my London home?' Sirius asked.

'What, you have a place in London?' Harry asked coming to a stop quickly.

Sirius turned with an expression of… fear? 'Yah… why?'

'I need to visit Gringotts for something in the next few days, something about my accounts and… other things,' Harry answered trailing off at the end.

'Let's get something here, then we'll go straight to the Black family estate in London,' Black stated and Harry agreed.

Harry had ended up stopping at a local fast food chicken place for a takeout order for the two of them before taking a local bus into London once again with Sirius in his dog form, but this time to an unknown location Harry had never been before.

July 31st, 1993, 10:23 p.m.

Number twelve Grimmauld Place, London

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After stopping at yet another fast food place in London, they hopped on another bus before being dropped off at a simple city park with a few trees, a couple of benches and a swing set for the kids' nothing as big as the park in Surrey but looked good enough.

Sirius led Harry, still in dog form, through the park to a row of brownstone homes. Much like the Leaky Cauldron people who walked past would look from number eleven to the park then back to number thirteen. Like number twelve wasn't even there.

'Muggle repellent and notice-me-not wards on the house Harry,' Sirius said quietly after shifting back to human form and Harry nodded in acceptance. It made sense being a Wizarding family that did not want anything to do with muggles would have them.

As Harry and Sirius walked up the steps, Sirius pricked his finger on the railing. With a questioning look on Harry's face Sirius turn to explain 'I would use my wand but since I do not have mine, I will need to use some of my blood to unlock the door. I will need a drop of yours later to key you into the house wards, but we can do that tomorrow morning. It's late and we need to get our rooms clean enough to sleep in, and then we can work on the rest of the house later if the damn house elf was unable to keep it clean. Hopefully 'Kreacher' hadn't been too relaxing in his duties.

Before Harry could say anything, Sirius grabbed the door handle, turned and with a flash of light opened the door to number twelve Grimmauld Place.

§End Chapter Three§

Author's Notes: Thanks for all the favorites, follows and reviews.